Empty Chairs at Empty Tables Fra Fee

Empty Chairs at Empty Tables Fra Fee

The 1998 version

The 1998 version

How-do-you-do guys, I know that this board is pretty empty, simply I thought that it would be interesting to compare both the 1998 version with the 2012 version.

1998 Version

While the majority of the motion-picture show is faithful, there are a number of things that I wasn't very happy about. In the case of Valjean, he was a very violent man in this version. Whereas in the book, the musical and previous adaptations. He's very harmless and will never get as far as to attack the Bishop and slap Cossette after in the movie subsequently discovering that the latter is in love with Marius from Javert'southward letter.
Some other disappointment was the absence of Eponine, she is a fundamental effigy in the story and she saves Marius from being shot. If it weren't for her, Marius would not have been salvage from the battlement and her friendship with him would not play an of import office in the story.
On the other hand, Geoffrey Rush was the perfect Javert every bit he plays a cold and yet aloof portrayal of the grapheme. Ironically, similar Geoffrey, Crowe would later went to play the graphic symbol in the 2012 version and they're both from the Pacific. Rush being an Australian while Crowe is a New Zealander.
Some other major disappointment is the catastrophe, why would Javert make Valjean witness his death for? Then that Javert could become Valjean into trouble once more by making everybody believe that Valjean murdered him? I guess not! Also, the original story did non state that Valjean was a free man. He died after fulfilling his promise to Fantine and that he accomplishes good things on earth, with Marius and Cosette by his side on his deathbed shortly after their hymeneals.
Worse of all, why is Enjolras a black? First of all, I'm not beingness a racist. Whereas in many adaptations, the musical and the book, he's a Caucasian. His role is as well reduce to a small and his character is as well combine into Marius, thus making the latter the leader of the revolution.
But on the other mitt, the music was really memorable! So kudos to the late Basil Poledouris, the music is very relaxing to listen to at times.
Unfortunately, I'chiliad sorry to say that this is got to be the worse adaptation of the beloved novel of all time! (ratings:2/5)

2012 Version

Now, don't become me wrong, I'm really a fan of the musical and this was one of my wish that the famous musical was plow into a picture, later seeing Andrew Lloyd Webber's The Phantom of the Opera!
Despite that there were a number of changes in the songs and 2 new songs too, I was very happy that the story itself is much more straightforward towards it'southward original novel.
It also gives both Eponine and Javert a more sympathetic low-cal with their corresponding songs, 'On my Own' and 'Javert's Soliloquy'. Javert also mentions his parents being a prostitute and a thief, as well as why he became a hardcore police force officeholder.
I hope to see the phase version, and see whether or not my opinion on the movie itself volition be the same. (ratings: five/5)


And so these are my opinion and review on both versions of Les Miserables, and have a proficient day ahead.

Poor Fantine, you make me cry!

Poor Fantine, yous make me cry!

Empty Chairs at Empty Tables Fra Fee

Posted by: hollimanplaft1962.blogspot.com
